You’ll have no doubt heard the term ‘hard water’ thrown around, but you may be unsure whether or not the water supplied to your home actually is ‘hard’.
If you take a look around the taps in your home (mainly around your shower or bath) and you can see traces of limescale buildup – the chances are pretty high that you have ‘hard water’ flowing throughout your household.
But limescale or scaling isn’t necessarily the only unpleasant sign ‘hard water’ can leave behind.
‘Hard water’ can have harsh effects on your hair and skin too, leaving them feeling dry and rough to the touch.
And let’s be honest, no one wants that.
So, What Is ‘Hard Water’?
You could be forgiven for thinking that ‘hard water’ refers to how water feels to the touch.
However, water is generally considered ‘hard’ when it contains a high concentration of dissolved minerals, such as magnesium and calcium. ‘Soft water’, on the other hand, generally consists of a low mineral content.
Varying degrees of ‘hard water’ are found in streams and waterways throughout most regions of the United States. This is because any water that comes into contact with rocks, soil, and other natural matter has an opportunity to absorb soluble minerals as it flows through wells and waterways.
The more minerals the water picks up, the ‘harder’ it will be.
It’s becoming increasingly more common for people in the U.S. to feel concerned about the ‘hardness’ of the water in their homes.
While ‘hard water’ is not a health risk, having to deal with ‘hard water’ problems can be a nuisance in your everyday home life.
Tasks like doing laundry and dish washing already take up enough of your time and energy without having to worry about the effect ‘hard water’ might be having.
But ‘hard water’ doesn’t just affect things like your clothes and faucets. It affects you and your family too.
When ‘hard water’ mixes with your soap or shampoo, some of the minerals react in a way that can be damaging to your hair and skin by making them feel dry, or even unclean.
Not only will this annoying residue stick to your pipes, clothes, shower doors, taps, and bathtubs – but there’s a good chance it will stick to you too.
The Effects ‘Hard Water’ Takes on Your Hair and Skin
Having healthy, nourished looking hair that makes us feel good is important to many people in the United States.
You may think that the health of your hair depends on which shampoos or conditioners you opt to buy at your local pharmacy, but it might surprise you just how much of an impact the water quality in your home can have on your hair.
The ‘softer’ your water, the healthier your hair will be – because the ‘harder’ your water, the less effective soap will be.
The larger amounts of dissolved magnesium and calcium in ‘hard water’ react with your shampoo and conditioner in a way that leaves an unwanted mixture of soap and soluble minerals clinging to your hair follicles.
This causes your hair to feel dry, tangled and sapped of all its moisture.
And just as having healthy hair is important for many Americans, so is having clear and hydrated skin.
Once again, because of the way that ‘hard water’ reacts with soap, it’s not just your hair that’s in danger of being left dry and moisture less after a shower.
When your skin gets dry and irritated by ‘hard water’, cracks and blemishes can start to appear.
It’s no secret that maintaining healthy skin is a lifelong process.
Removing ‘hard water’ from your home water supply today can help keep your skin fresh and full of life for the future to come.
After all, your skin is the largest organ in your body and it’s your first line of defense against the outside world, so it’s well worth looking after.
Why the SpringWell FutureSoft® Salt-Free Water Softener is the Solution for You
So we’ve talked a lot about how damaging ‘hard water’ can be for your hair and skin, but what’s the solution?
We recommend investing in the SpringWell FutureSoft® Salt-Free water softener for your home.
This highly rated water softener provides 99.6% scale prevention without any use of chemicals or salt. This system works round the clock to remove those annoying and unwanted minerals found in ‘hard water’.
And unlike other water softeners, the SpringWell FutureSoft wastes no water and doesn’t discharge any salt brine back into environment.
This system also ensures that you’ll have no drop in water pressure throughout your home once it has been installed – so you’ll have peace of mind all round!
A salt-free water softener is the first major step in establishing a daily care routine that will better cleanse, moisturize and protect both your skin and hair from the effects of ‘hard water’.
For long lasting healthy hair and skin, installing a water softener is the perfect solution for you and your family.